By Sanjay Singhal | Vice President – Diversified Portfolio
Editor: Sundy Srinivasan - COO
Design and Layout: Adriana Gonzalez - Social Media

While designing a new Green Hydrogen Plant, one key challenge for any developer is to determine the type & capacity of Electrolyzers. A lot depends on the source of power available for the project and power profile with time.
The best combination of input power is a mix of Solar + Wind Power, complemented by Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). As the solar power is not available during the nighttime, wind power can fill that deficit along with the battery storage. Below is a guide to rough calculations for Electrolyzer and battery sizing.

If solar power plant capacity available is "S" MW and Windpower plant capacity is "W" MW, then the approximate Electrolyzer capacity can be calculated as below:
Electrolyzer capacity
E = [(12*S)+(6*W)]/24 MW
Battery capacity should be B = 12*E
For example, if a 20 MW solar plant is supported by 60 MW Wind farm, then electrolyzer capacity should be [(12*S)+(6*W)]/24 = 25 MW electrolyzer, supported by 300 MWH battery storage. In the above example, if there was not wind power, then the electrolyzer size should be 10 MW, supported by 120 MWH battery.
Another important point to consider is that electrolyzer should be designed such that it can handle cases where peak power is not available. For example, if only 20 MW power is available for a 25 MW electrolyzer, it should be able to still operate efficiently. This can be achieved by using PEM electrolyzers. Alternatively, if alkaline electrolyzers are to be used, one should use a bank of small capacity alkaline electrolyzers - for example 5 electrolyzers of 5 MW capacity each, instead of a single 25 MW electrolyzer, so that one can handle times of less power availability.
Above is an approximate calculation only. For accurate calculations of electrolyzer sizing based on available power profile, please contact.
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